Valentin Briukhanov

IDLE Math Game

An idle game, also known as incremental games or clicker games, is a genre of video games where players perform simple actions, such as clicking a button, to generate in-game currency. Most are mat...

Python for Game Designers

Jupyter Notebooks is a popular tool for data analysis and scientific computing, however I’m using it as a tool for game design. Jupyter Notebooks can be a good replacement for traditional tools lik...

Simulation Games in Education - Terra Firma

Another type of serious game that can be used in education is simulation games or “God games,” where the player has god-like powers to affect weather, change the environment, and maybe even physics...

Serious Games for a Feline Cause

One type of serious game those are trying to accept the public attention to some problems around us and make the world better this way. It doesn’t mean the such game should be too “serious” and for...

First Programmer's games

For me, the first programmer’s game was Colobot – real-time strategy with 3D graphics. Players take on the role of an astronaut who must land on a planet and use robots to gather resources, constru...

Agents of Influnce game

Recently I’ve met an interesting game Agents of Influence – a spy-themed educational video game that teaches students how to recognize and combat the misinformation they encounter in their daily li...

The Value of LitRPG for Game Designers?

LitRPG is one of my favorite genres in fantasy. If you don’t know, LitRPG is a subgenre of fantasy (or sci-fi) literature that combines elements of traditional fantasy with video game elements, suc...

Is there book summary AI?

As a passionate reader, I completely understand the desire for a service that provides summaries of books, especially for those that are part of a series. However, keeping track of all the plot poi...

Steam Replay Tags 2022

This year I got interesting stats from Steam about my playing in 2022. Even if it’s only steam games where I mostly play indie games, one of the diagrams took my attention – the spider graph of mos...

Tiny Lime Clasts

This lovely article about the durability of Roman concrete attracted my attention as I like that period of history and its engineering side. However, this quote from the article is the most interes...